Alan Wilson

Alan Wilson

Alan Wilson is the creator of “The Parent Champion” and “The Ethos of Empowerment” programmes. Core to each is the prioritization of culture and connection over content. Wilson’s path to becoming a Life Skills Empowerment Coach was anything but conventional. He began his professional career in advertising, then experienced a cascade of professional and personal trials – bankruptcy, nervous breakdown, divorce. These “catastrophic” events inspired renewed consideration of his life purpose and delivered him to a greater appreciation of spirituality and energy. “In 2002 I learned there was potential for a deeper level of connection beyond what is conventionally described by sensory-awareness and active listening – an energetic connection that delivers powerful positive personal transformation when respected and proactively cultivated.”

Wilson blended this awareness with the human applicability of an advertising concept on which he trained fellow professionals – USP (Unique Selling Point). The combination proved surprisingly powerful when he began volunteer work with teens. Children normally deemed “difficult” or worse began thriving under Wilson’s tutelage. This unanticipated success motivated Wilson to write a variety of programmes culminating in The Parent Champion program in 2010. The essential message is when parents/teachers feel comfortable within themselves children are freer and more comfortable being themselves. The Ethos of Empowerment programme, launched in a Special Education Needs school in October 2012, expands the concept and supports teachers, staff, students and parents in creating a culture of empowerment in schools.

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