Sherlyn Pang Luedtke

Sherlyn Pang Luedtke

Sherlyn Pang Luedtke, Success Coach and the Founder of Present Parent Training, is a results-oriented, fun-loving businesswoman, and family gal.  Her upcoming book, The Mommy Advantage:  How Having Kids Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier, teaches parents how to use personal development techniques to alchemize the challenges of parenthood into joy, ease, fulfillment, and abundance.

Eight years ago, Sherlyn made her devastating yet rewarding leap from full-time career to full-time mom.  When her son was two, her stern parenting paradigm was overturned when she discovered the cost of controlling behavior with coercion.  She now teaches parents to leverage their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical presence to foster deeper relationships with their children and further their own personal growth.  She uses her background in psychology, social ecology, and business to support her clients in fulfilling their dreams with balance.

She is a devoted wife and mother of two, a successful entrepreneur, dynamic parent educator, and insightful coach.
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